Friday 12 August 2011


Well its job centre interview no doubt i will be sent to the crap that is a4e or the new one

Saturday 26 March 2011

More people

People think because i like to plan things that i am putting barriers ..

No.. I want to start my own business up, 2nd hand bookshop, with an internet cafe/coffee room in one area. and make jewellry/and stuff.

Now i need to make sure i have the stock, the equipment, the rent at least 2 months money. plus insurance. So you need at least some money to get started.. so working out and trying to save up. I was told to go and do a carboot and sell some of the stuff. First its ILLEGAL to work and claim dss, people have been fined and had their lives ruined for doing one. So thats not good.

Need to get stock together as well.. cant guarentee any sales, and you have to pay for the spot.

So i need at least 2 months rent minimum, then stock, then shelves, then water/electricity, insurance. You are looking at £10,000 minimum.. Local chambers only give to their cronies.. then advertising.. and travel there and back..

Add to that the local situation, and the economy. You have to get things right.

They said it was me putting barriers putting knots on the strings..

Thursday 17 March 2011


Thank you Rage,  Glad to be a guest poster


I got called a pussy today, because i see life is unfair to men and i dared tell them it. Its my fault for not claiming sex discrimination even though there was no proof, it was unofficially told me.

Typical yanks, most of whome are feminised.